James, a tribute on behalf of Newbury YMCA.

 Our dear friend, youth worker, wonderful servant of God, husband of a beautiful young mummy, recovering from cancer, incredible dad to two beautiful young girls, amazing son of a dear dear friend, and his long term very poorly wife, and best big brother to a quiet humble and kind young gentleman, has died. Suddenly. No prior warning for our hearts to prepare. It feels like this gentle giant always dressed in shorts, sporty T-shirt and a smile...Has been abducted leaving a cavernous hole in a huge community that spans two towns and many decades.

38 years Young. Taken ill  on Sunday with Pancreatitis, rushed into hospital. A zillion Prayers stormed Heaven for this beautiful man, as word got out.  Yet he didn’t recover. Jesus would have greeted him with open arms. Hugged him. Explained why. 

His family will have to wait for the ‘why’.

In their shock, and brokenness, the prayers from the hearts of family and friends will be heard. Our prayers for  His  infinite Grace to be poured into their hearts. For this incredibly close and loving family to sense the Peace that passes all understanding. I’m truly hoping the  prayers will be like a generating station lighting up one lightbulb and his family will be that lightbulb. That The Holy Spirit will fill them with love that is like balm to the excruciating pain they are in. 

They all know Jesus. He is the rock their house is built on. As Christians we are far from exempt from the ravages of modern society and a polluted earth. We are not protected from a heart that can be broken into a million pieces. Anyone that knows them, will be aware of their deep faith. They leave the fragrance of Jesus wherever they go.

They have gone through so much as a family these past few years. They have stood firm on the solid rock and testified to His amazing love and provision. His wife updated us daily, for one hundred days, encouraging us and inspiring so many on her chemotherapy journey. Incredible.  

There worse fear back then was that their young daughters would grow up without their beautiful mummy. It is incomprehensible that these young hearts will miss out on all that their daddy James had in store for them. His dreams for the future. They are amazing parents, their girls are a credit to them both. Thankfully James has spent so much quality time with them, that they will always be secure in his eternal love for them. They will feel his affirmation as they go through life. They will giggle over funny times, laugh as they remember James antics to make life as fun as it can be when your mummy is so poorly. Family walks and hikes together as a well glued family of four.

And now this. I am numb. We are all numb. I cannot fathom how our brilliant youth worker, for the YMCA is no longer here to walk with troubled teenagers. To be a light in their sometimes very dark lives. They all had an infinite respect for James. A man to look up to, one who accepted them for who they were. I have no idea how we can break the news to them, we cannot give them a much needed hug. We cannot tell them why. We can only reiterate what James always demonstrated. A steadfast love and trust in Our Saviour Jesus Christ. 

Please pray they will not  lose any desire to follow what may seem to them now, an unjust God. Joanna and Sam will do their best to continue with the baton, James so firmly believed in. His faith was unwavering, unshakeable. Even now I am certain he would say please trust in Jesus. The picture is far greater than we can perceive. He will be singing with the angels in Glory. Knowing one day he will be reunited with all those he loved on earth. There is always Hope. Faith Hope and Love, the greatest of these is Love. 1 Corinthians 13:13. 

I have broken the news to those who knew him through the YMCA. Shocked and saddened they immediately refer to God, even those who do not Have a faith. Testament to James life. Jesus was in his every breath.

How are the young souls going to cope knowing their fun loving leader has passed away. Even in Covid times, him, his dad and the other volunteers have met them outside for an hour in the freezing cold, such are the heart of God’s servants Even though his mum and  wife were shielding he had a sense of care, kept very strictly to the rules, and ministered to those young souls in great need of love and affirmation. 

He also worked with his local church in Hungerford. The youngsters there will feel a huge void in their lives. He worked alongside Joe with the young carers of Newbury and surrounding villages. He has worked with children in special schools, and for a few years in the middle of Newbury, at the Waterside. He was looking forward to going back there once the refurbishment was complete.

He has helped with COINS....in various schools.

He began with football among the youngsters, volunteering long before we employed him as an official youth worker. He started a senior football team that have won trophies. He engaged with teenagers of all backgrounds and so many different characters with ease. He helped on the Bus of Hope. He is a legend.

Our favourite memories are of the annual football tournament James started. It was free to all teams, and was a fun, competitive yet friendly day. It will always be know as James’ inspiration. With a bbq, help from his dad and brother and many others it was always a resounding success. He always invited someone of faith to share part of their testimony, or an apt word from God. He chose his speakers well.

 A faithful giant with an open heart to God’s leading. Passionate and patient. I know all of you who knew him could add a thousand more qualities...and good deeds that you know of. Humble and generous. Hard working...

He has been  planting Jesus shape seeds in the hearts of hundreds of young people over so many years. We will pray those seeds will continue to be watered and they will grow. A legacy to his good works.

For Jo, Abigail, Hannah, David, Liz and Matt, I’m kind of hoping you are also ‘numb’. I hope the enormity of the pain you are in, is numbed by the shock. I pray God is holding that excruciating pain in His hands and will drip feed it to you gently as the shock wears off and the reality floods in. 

May He pick you all up and carry you in His mighty arms until you are strong enough to walk holding His hand.

As you ponder why? I trust you will trust Him, until you enter the Gates of Heaven and hear the answer. It is beyond our comprehension as to why. We will never understand why you have had to lose such a precious and loved man.

So this has not been a good year, and it’s not quite over. You may also have many ‘whys’ of your own. And definitely many ‘not fairs’. James may be one of many that you know have gone on to greater pastures, through Covid, illness, Or accident. So much suffering in our world.

Jesus wept. I am sure He is still weeping. With us. Praise God that in Him there is still a future and a Hope. He died that we may live.

Many years ago when a dear friend passed away on my 39th birthday, he was only 39, I pondered on why do some people never live beyond the womb, some die in childhood, late teens, 39, 101...not questioning, just pondering.

God showed me a beautiful vision. One drop of water falling gracefully from the sky. It shone in the sunlight. As it merged effortlessly and silently into the vast ocean, God spoke to my heart. Our lives are like one drop of water, the immeasurable and ever changing drops of water in the ocean is like eternity. If we only get half a drop, we think it is unfair, yet once we are all reunited in eternity, we will have all the drops of the ocean to rejoice and enjoy together.

So for us less than a full drop is harsh, but in the bigger picture it is not significant. 

You may be angry at God and say I don’t care about that, I only care that I have lost a treasured friend, a brother in Christ. Jo has lost her rock and soul mate. The girls have lost their dedicated and fun daddy. David and Liz their affectionate son and friend. Matt his best friend.

For those who cannot pray because they are too sad, too angry, to disappointed in God, I pray for you that you can open your hearts and let Jesus in. He knows you are hurting and He wants to weep with you. 

 Selfishly I hope I stay numb, like I’ve been injected by an anaesthetist. I truly do not want this to wear off. I am not anywhere near ready to feel the reality of losing a very precious and way too young soul. I think Jesus knows if he lets that wear off I may just start crying a river, that never stops flowing.

Loving and being loved is the best feeling in the world, losing a loved one the hardest.

James McMahon, we at the YMCA are more than grateful for your years of dedicated  hard work to spread the love of Jesus. We hope God will give you a glimpse of the black hole that has appeared in Newbury and Hungerford, a soul so big, that so many people knew and loved has left the biggest void.

Always so humble you I am sure would be surprised at how many have been affected by your sudden loss. How many lives you have touched. You will live on in our hearts always inspiring us, always reminding us to look out for the youth In our crazy world.

You know one of my favourite stories from Nicky Gumble is of the little boy on the beach, walking along  next to hundreds of starfish washed up onto the shore, quickly drying out in the midday sun. He is throwing them as quick as he can back into the water. An elderly gentleman passes by. Oh dear said the man, there are so many you cannot make a difference. The little boy Bent down picked one up, and threw it right out to sea. He turned to the old man. “Well I made a difference to that one.”

James you made a huge difference to sooo many young lives that will have you in their hearts forever. God Bless you, we will miss you and all your hard work and hope for a better future. We will miss your smile, and huge heart. We thank God for you xx Amen xxx


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